Great Big Small Awards 2025

Shining a spotlight on local business and entrepreneurship.

Welcome to the Great Big Small Awards, two nights entirely dedicated to recognising small local business and entrepreneurs across Northern Lincolnshire.

Businesses like yours play such an important part in our economy and community, so we are thrilled to be able to shine a spotlight on local business and entrepreneurs and recognise the huge amount of work that goes into running a small business. 

This year we are proud to be holding TWO Great Big Small Award evenings! The first will be on Friday 26th September for the Business and Entrepreneurs in North Lincolnshire and the second on Friday 3rd October for those in North East Lincolnshire. If past years are anything to go by, these evenings will be sold out early. To secure FREE tickets to the ‘Oscars of local business’, you should enter the awards as its really easy to do and all finalists are given two free places!  Alternatively you  can secure places by purchasing a seat for £40+VAT (£48) per person.

Great Big Small Awards 2025 logo, proudly featuring sponsors: Rands Solicitors, North Lincolnshire, and PRAX, North East Lincolnshire.

North Lincolnshire

Friday 26th September at Forest Pines

North East Lincolnshire

Friday 3rd October at Grimsby Town Hall

Doors open 6pm

We have made it as easy as possible to enter with only six questions to answer and a requirement that you answer with 500 words or less for each question.

Although we will not accept any attachments or appendices with your entry, we are happy to look at any electronic links/websites you may wish to share that are already in the public domain. We also assume that you are:

  • Trading solvently for at least 12 months (6 months for the ‘One to Watch’ start up award)
  • You are registered either as a business/organisation or as a sole trader.
  • You are an independent business employing 50 people or less.
  • A business based in North or North East Lincolnshire. ( NB: You DO NOT have to be a member of the Business Hive to enter)

All entries will be reviewed by a team of esteemed and independent judges drawn from business leaders across the area.

There are 12 categories detailed below, and you may enter as many as you wish that are pertinent to your business. Please complete the entry form below, it will need to be completed for each category entered.

All shortlisted businesses will be notified and provided with two VIP tickets to one of our glittering awards evenings. The evenings will consist of a drink on arrival, a sumptuous hot buffet, and a cash bar.  After the awards are announced, there will be a chance to strut your stuff on the dancefloor too.

Any shortlisted business wishing to bring up to 3 more guests to cheer them on can do so at a cost of £40+ VAT (£48) a person. (Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.)

Award Categories

Inspiring Employee Award

Kindly sponsored by

Available to sponsor (North Lincolnshire)

Cobus Communications (North East Lincolnshire)

Recognising an individual, nominated by their employer for the ‘above & beyond’ support they give to the business and their colleagues.

Clicks & Mortar – Best multi-channel small business

Kindly sponsored by

Available to sponsor (North Lincolnshire)

LCS Group (North East Lincolnshire)

This award celebrates small businesses that use multiple channels, online and/or offline with innovation and skill to develop their business.

Family Fortunes – Best family business

Available to sponsor (North & North East Lincolnshire)

This award recognises the unique characteristics, challenges and strengths of a small family run business.

The Strongest Link – Best local supplier

Kindly sponsored by

Available to sponsor (North Lincolnshire)

NELC (North East Lincolnshire)

This award recognises small businesses that are working within a business supply chain for one of the areas key industry sectors.

One to Watch – Best business start-up (less than 18 months)

Kindly sponsored by

Available to sponsor (North Lincolnshire)

SourceFour Ltd (North East Lincolnshire)

This award is for businesses that have started less than 18 but more than 6 months ago, (i:e Must have started between 1st May 2024 and the 1st April 2025), and have demonstrated significant growth and development in that time.

Heart of the Community – The business that contributes most to their community

Kindly sponsored by

Available to sponsor (North Lincolnshire)

Xceco (North East Lincolnshire)
This award will be given to the business that is driven by the positive impact it can have on all or part of the community, the environment, or a specific good cause, more than it is driven by profit levels. This award is ideally suited to CICs, trading charities and not for profits.

Solid Gold Service – Best small service business
Kindly sponsored by

Available to sponsor (North Lincolnshire)

Crofts Estate Agents (North East Lincolnshire)
This award will celebrate the best small ‘service business’ in the area, B2B or B2C.

Sole Thriver – Best sole-trader
Available to sponsor (North & North East Lincolnshire)

This award is specifically for those one person businesses with no employees recognising the diversity of skills required to run a business on your own. 

Young Entrepreneur of the Year
Available to sponsor (North & North East Lincolnshire)

This award celebrates the future and recognises the rising stars amongst the next generation of local business owners. Young entrepreneurs (30 or below) who have conceived and then started a new business and have already been trading successfully for at least 12 months.

The Host with the Most – Best hospitality business
Kindly sponsored by

Available to sponsor (North Lincolnshire)

Dee Bee Wholesale (North East Lincolnshire) 
This award recognises the restaurants, Hotels, B&Bs or pubs who have done remarkable things to make sure their business is the ‘go to’ venue for their customers.

The A Team – Best business team

Kindly sponsored by

Available to sponsor (North Lincolnshire)

Forrester Boyd (North East Lincolnshire)

This award recognises a team nominated by the business owner for working together to go above and beyond for each other, the business, and their customers.

Going Green 

Kindly sponsored by

Available to sponsor (North Lincolnshire)

Laser Red (North East Lincolnshire)

The award for a company who has risen to the environmental challenge and can show how it has adapted and innovated to reduce its carbon footprint. From small changes such as using less paper,  to planting trees, using less energy or even investing in green products such as solar panels.  For business Large or small, it’s the size of the change that counts!


The judges will select an overall Great Big Small Award Winner from the winners of each category

Kindly sponsored by

Available to sponsor (North Lincolnshire)

Pepperells Solicitors (North East Lincolnshire)


Entry deadline is midnight Sunday 3rd August 2025. 

As well as giving you the opportunity to put yourself and your company forward, we are asking you to nominate local businesses you believe deserve recognition and should also enter their business for an award. 

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